Welcome to new members, ComFor Care Home Care, Action Lock and Davy Plumbing!
The windmills were efficiently taken down from main street Stayner in 20 min. A heartfelt THANK YOU to John Squire Sr. and John Squire Jr. for bringing their ladders, drills, and agility to help take them down so quickly!
Taste of Clearview
The Taste of Clearview is on now until Nov.15 and features unique menu offerings, beer pairings (in partnership with Creemore Springs Brewery), and dine in or takeout specials. Visit https://www.discoverclearview.ca/.../sign.../taste-clearview for a detailed list of participating restaurants or check out the map for where to discover your new favourite eatery!
White Wednesday Clearview's White Wednesday will take place on Wednesday,November 25th. We hope to get as many businesses participating as we can!What is involved?
Decorate your storefront in White Christmas decorations
Offer a couple of Black Friday type sale items
Let the Clearview Chamber of Commerce know you are participating and we will add you to our WhiteWednesday.ca website.
Digital Ecommerce Offerings
For businesses that would like to offer an e-commerce option for people not going out to shop, we have a separate website set up where we will offer your sales out to the public.
You will need:
A business profile on ShopStayner, ShopCreemore, ShopClearview or your local Shopcity website. Need help with your profile, call Kelly at 705-352-0203
We will set up your marketplace to accept your sale items and email you when your account is ready.
Add your items and away you go. Marketplace items can be kept live until December 25th.
The Clearview Chamber will put out Social media posts to promote the website and the White Wednesday event.
The digital fee to add up to 10 items to the White Wednesday website and a social media post is $20 for chamber members and $25 for non-members.
Some inspirational photos are below to help with decoration ideas!
Stayner Country Christmas/Tree Lighting The Township plans to do a holiday video message in lieu of the tree lighting event this year. They plan to get the local community and business organizations (e.g. Lions, Kinsmen, Chamber, BIA, etc.) to do a 15-30 sec Happy Holidays message to go in the video and will also include a pre-recorded plug-in of the tree.
In other related news, the Township has purchased a 7½ foot pre-lit X-Mas tree that will go in the gazebo each year. They have also purchased more decorations for the gazebo itself as well as 3D light sculptures for many of the Clearview parks to give all of Clearview a cohesive decorative look. To recoup some of the costs for these lights the Township will be applying for Government funding that they are eligible for.
Benches for Advertising At the General Meeting, it was proposed that the Chamber purchase bus benches currently for sale to put around Clearview and sell the advertising on them to make money for the Chamber. The Chamber would need to ask permission from the Township to use their land to put the benches on. The township will be contacted about the idea to see if a) we will be given permission to use the Township’s land, and b) whether there are appropriate bus stop locations with enough space to put them on. Open Executive Positions Just a reminder we are still looking for a Secretary and a 3-year Director. Please e-mail clearviewchamber@gmail.com if you are interested to fill either position.
Please mark Wednesday, November 18th at 6:30 pm on the calendar for the next General Chamber Meeting. Please email us to book your spot.