Watch this video to earn more about the T3 Accelerator Program and discover how it has helped business owners in BruceGreySimcoe.
Introducing the T3 Accelerator Program for Tourism Businesses in BruceGreySimcoe
RTO7 and the Centre for Business and Economic Development in Collingwood, are officially launching the T3 Accelerator Program to tourism businesses throughout Bruce, Grey and Simcoe and feel its offerings couldn’t be more timely.
T3 Accelerator is a highly-personalized approach to business improvement. The program is focused on enabling businesses to succeed by working with seasoned business experts from a variety of fields. This program provides one-to-one long-term coaching with business and industry resources to help you address key challenges and opportunities facing your business.
The Program provides professional coaching and supports for improving your business in the following areas:
Pivoting Your Business During Challenging Times
Improving Sales, Marketing and Customer Service
Creating New Tourism Experiences and Products or Enhancing Old Ones
Becoming an Effective Leader and Manager
Increasing Productivity and Profitability
Once you apply for the T3 Accelerator Program, and have been accepted and onboarded, you have access to unlimited coaching for the lifespan of your visit - there is no expiry date.
Now is a perfect time to gain the expertise and advice from our experienced coaches to help you pivot your business and plan for your future success.
Here are what regional tourism businesses participating in the program have said about their experiences:
“We were all so encouraged after the meeting. It is so refreshing and eye-opening to have such professionals look at your business, feel understood, and be given very focused observations and direction." – Stevenson Farms B&B and Harvest Spa
“Our coaches' experience and perspective gave us the ability to weather the first lockdown. The creation and execution of a detailed sequenced re-opening plan was invaluable. We emerged out of first lockdown having completed a full renovation and fully prepared for our most profitable summer season ever." -Georgian Hills Vineyards
To apply, learn whether you qualify, to read more testimonials or for more information, visit the T3 Accelerator program page on