We are a young couple who wants to try our hand at farming! Our backgrounds are mixed as Cayleigh comes from dairy farmers and livestock, and Tim grew up in Bolton, giving a helping hand to friends in the farming community. We raise all of our own animals for meat, nothing brought in. We give our animals there best life and freedom. Pasture Raised, Free Range and Free Run animals.
Our Beef is pasture raised with grains and they are a true barn yard mix with Holsteins, Angus, Herefords. Lambs come from our local farms usually Dorset fully raised on pasture for a true lamb flavour. Chickens are white rocks raised free run to help help keep them from the elements, We use Pekin ducks for meat as they grow quickly without all the fat, our ducks are free range hanging out by the pond eating up all the bugs, and finally our Egg laying chickens, lay brown eggs and are free run to help keep them away from predators.